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Major Responsibilities岗位职责: 1、根据中国国家课程为标准制定的校本课程的要求,认真准备教学计划及课程计划; 2、按时向教学主管提交教学及课程计划及有利于课程学习的相关材料; 3、做好教学用具及教学材料的准备工作,通过各种教学方法让学生投入学习,确保学生完成学习任务及目标; 4、经常与学生家长交流学生学习情况; 5、设计并指导学生作业,并给予有建设性的意见;有效地评估学生; 6、对学生要做到耐心、细致、态度和蔼; 7、与同学科或跨学科的中外籍老师进行良好的教学合作; 8、关注自身的专业发展;客观地反省自己的教学,促使自己不断进步; 9、在教学及课外活动交流中,为学生树立良好的榜样; 10、根据需要参加教学主管或校长召集的各类会议; 11、每个学年需承担一定晚自习监管辅导与课后活动任务; 12、维护学生出勤、学生成绩、阶段性评估报告等信息; 13、认真完成教学主管或校长安排的其他任务。 Requirements and Qualifications岗位要求: 1.本科以上学历,教育相关专业毕业,2年以上教学经验,持有相关教师资格证; 2.具备融汇中西、创新教学思维的教师优先; 3.具备 学习社区 等引导式学习的授课经验教师优先; 4.可以用中英文双语教学和进行教学交流; 5.熟练应用多媒体及计算机办公软件; 6.具备简单高效的时间管理能力,有效地完成工作、实现目标; 7.工作严谨、细心、耐心、待人和气,善于合作与沟通; 8.爱国守法、热爱教育事业、关爱学生、为人师表;

  • 小学/初中/高中
  • 民办学校
  • 50-200人

Apply to teach at 

New Oriental Bilingual School Jinhua


A guide for candidates

学校愿景与使命 Our Vision & Mission

愿景 Our Vision


To become an excellent influential future school providing China-based, internationally-minded education for students. 

使命Our Mission


Develop our students into life-long learners with distinguished character, global perspective and social responsibility.

创始人寄语 Message from our Founder

创始人简介Introducing our Founder

俞敏洪:中国江苏江阴人,著名教育家,新东方创始人,新东方教育科技集团董事长兼总裁。毕业于北京大学,1993年创办北京新东方学校,2001年成立北京新东方教育科技(集团)有限公司。2006年9月7日,新东方在美国纽约证券交易所成功上市,成为中国第一家在美国上市的教育培训机构。俞敏洪和他创办的新东方,20多年来一直致力于青少年的教育与成长。现在,新东方已发展成为中国规模最大、最具影响力的私立教育品牌和行业领导者。中国青年企业家协会副会长,中华全国青年联合会委员,著名英语教学与管理专家,被誉为中国 留学教父 ,2009年当选为CCTV中国经济年度人物。

Yu Minhong comes from Jiangyin, Jiangsu Province, China. He is one of the most famous educators in China, the Founder of New Oriental Academy, and President of New Oriental Education & Technology Group. Mr. Yu graduated from Beijing University. He founded Beijing New Oriental School in 1993, and Beijing New Oriental Education & Technology Group in 2001. On September 7, 2006, New Oriental successfully listed on the New York Stock Exchange in the United States, becoming China's first education and training institution listed in the United States. Mr. Yu and New Oriental have been committed to the education and development of youth for more than 20 years. Now, New Oriental has developed into China's largest and most influential private education brand and the leader of China’s private education sector. Mr. Yu, is the Vice Chairman of the China Youth Entrepreneur Association, a member of the All-China Youth Federation, a well-known expert in English teaching and education management across China, and is renowned as the "Godfather of Oversea Study to so many Chinese students. In 2009, he was elected as the Economic Person of the Year on CCTV China.

俞老师寄语Message from Mr. Yu





The reason why New Oriental is able to develop students from a young age is because we are able to effectively stimulate their passion for learning. Everyone can be motivated; the key is how we motivate them. Students who are fired up study hard and then achieve amazing results that they could never imagine. New Oriental is the best exam handler in the world. Before New Oriental, there were no records of maximum scores for TOEFL, GRE and other international examinations. New Oriental has achieved many maximum scores! What we are really good at is motivating children and making them willing to work very hard, and not just teaching children how to sit exams. 

For a school, I believe the most important thing is to have a good educational philosophy. What does a good education philosophy mean to me? First of all, it is necessary to inspire children's ambition. With ambition, children will be eager to learn. Then, after ambition has been inspired, different ways to enjoy study and develop character can be introduced. Finding ways to increase children's scores is in fact only the final stage of what we do. Putting scores last does not mean that scores are not important. Scores are important, but ambition, the joy of learning, and character development are more important. Only having all these qualities can lead to outstanding achievement. Without these qualities, test scores alone cannot really help the future of a child and this is irresponsible. We cannot ask children to study hard without a clear reason or goal as to why they need to study so hard.

I really hope that the children can study happily, have a lot of activities, and grow up freely. We are going to take our children out into nature, let them lay on the grass, and watch the stars. We will let our children fish in our campus stream and grow food on one of our own small farms. We will let our children be close to the natural world, do their own farming, and enjoy the harvest. Children will be happy and quite different after these activities. A boring two-hour learning experience is much less effective than playing for an hour and being focused on their work for the next hour.

The purpose of the establishment of New Oriental Academy is to achieve true internationalisation, innovation and personalisation of learning. We are going to accomplish five tasks: retain the outstanding elements of Chinese education; introduce appropriate elements of international education; build interesting personality in our students; promote students’ individual character development; and help our students to grow with a positive and healthy view of compassion and international understanding. We hope that through the development of New Oriental Academy, exciting new innovations can be developed for use in China's public schools for the future, which will contribute to the long-term development of China's education system.

学校简介About Us


Jinhua New Oriental Academy is a full-time future focussed school created by New Oriental Education & Technology Group. It provides high-end international education from kindergarten to high school. Jinhua New Oriental Academy will open in September 2020. Adhering to the elements of basic education in China, the New Oriental Academy comprehensively promotes Chinese and English bilingual immersive teaching, and integrates high-quality Chinese and international education curricula and resources. We are multi-cultural. Jinhua New Oriental Academy also has an excellent boarding program. With a comprehensive and scientific boarding school system, our students can adapt to their overseas university life in advance and will be able to use their campus time in an effective manner.

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